We need our Holy Mother Mary because she is the key to Jesus’ Heart. With Mary we have the access to Jesus and to Heaven, as Mary is also called ‘The Gate of Heaven’. When approaching Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we get as close to Heaven as we only can on earth. – Mary opens Jesus’ Heart for us to forgive us – Mary receives graces from Jesus for us and on our behalf. Some Christians say, they go straight to Jesus with their prayers. That’s great, but at the same time their hearts are not only stained with sin, but also hardened and closed to God’s graces. Or can anyone claim that they are so pure and their hearts so open, they can participate in the fullness of God’s graces He has in store for us? Can anyone assert themselves to say they have perfect faith, perfect hope, perfect trust, and perfect love, like Mary does, to be able to receive from God what we are asking for? Mary’s heart has always been open to each single grace coming from God. Mary intercedes for us and receives all graces on our behalf through her Immaculate Heart, and she passes them down to us – her children, feeding us with heavenly blessings slowly but surely, for she is our most caring and most loving Mother. Having found Mary on our faith journey is a huge blessing and a grace from God – not everyone finds her, and those who are given this grace and accept it, are blessed indeed and blessed double. Finding Mary is like finding a great treasure. Living and believing in God without Mary is like having a field without a treasure, while believing in God with Mary and approaching Him through Mary is like possessing a field with a treasure. Which one is better? The choice is obvious! Let us go to Jesus through Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary, like St. Louis de Montfort taught us. St. Bernard and several popes (Pope Leo XIII, Pope Benedict XV) asserted: “As we have no access to the Father except through the Son, so no one can come to the Son except by the Mother. As the Son is all powerful by nature, the Mother is all powerful in so far that by the merciful disposition of God she is our mediatrix of graces with Christ.” Therefore, Eadmer stated: “Frequently our petitions are heeded sooner when we address ourselves to Mary the Queen of Mercy and Compassion than when we go directly to Jesus Who as King of Justice is our Judge.” (St. Alphonsus de Liguori, The Glories of Mary, 1932, p.246) Arnold of Chartres said: “How can the Father refuse to hear the Son Who shows Him His side and wounds, the marks of His sufferings endured for sinners; and how can the Son refuse to hear His Mother when she shows Him her bosom and her breasts that gave Him suck?” /De Laud B.V./ St. Peter Chrysologus stated similarly: “that a gentle maiden having lodged God in her womb, asks as its price peace for the world, salvation for those who are lost, and life for the dead”. (St. Alphonsus de Liguori, The Glories of Mary, 1931, p.256)
O Mary! Mystical Rose; Mother of my Lord and my God.
Your tender love surpasses all the love of all earthly mothers combined.
Press your heart to my little heart; touch my heart with your heart.
Channel your love from your heart to and through my heart, so that I can love Jesus with your love; so that your love for Jesus flows through my heart.
My most sweet, most gentle, and most compassionate Mother! I love you and I want to love you more and more each day here on earth and for eternity.